Date Nights

Date Night

We make sure to keep date nights as a regular part of our routine. Sometimes that means ordering a pizza, renting some movies, and curling up on the couch. Sometimes it means going out to dinner. We have a few favorite restaurants in the area that are always in the rotation. Tonight we headed to one of those favorites, Hu Hot Mongolian Grill. They’re located in various states throughout the country. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it! You put together your own plate from their noodle, vegetable and meat selection and watch them grill your meal.

When you’re in a long-term relationship, it’s important to do new activities together to keep things exciting. It’s easy to get caught up in the responsibilities of work, kids (not in our case), and taking care of a home and forget to devote substantial time to your relationship. Date nights don’t have to be reserved for weekends. Binge-watching Netflix with your significant other while both scanning social media might make for an entertaining night, but sometimes it’s important to unplug and devote all of your attention to one another.

Date nights don’t have to expensive, either! There are tons of great options to have a fun date night that doesn’t break the bank:

  1. Picnics. Pack a lunch or dinner and head to a local park. You can bring board games. You can bring a pet and head to a dog park instead. After eating your picnic, spend an hour or two playing with the pup.
  2. Groupon. You can ALWAYS find Groupons for local restaurants! You might not find your favorites on there, but it will give you the opportunity to try something new and possibly find some new favorites.
  3. Cooking Together. Pick one night per week that you pick a new recipe and cook together. It can be as easy or difficult a recipe as you like, depending on your cooking abilities. If you’re really into cooking, try a difficult recipe that will challenge you. If you’re more likely to burn the kitchen down than make toast, there are plenty of options! You can buy pre-made pizza crust at the grocery store. We like to pick one up, along with our favorite pizza toppings. It only has to cook for about 10 minutes and it’s barely more work than making a frozen pizza.

There are so many options when it comes to low cost date nights, and these are just a few! If you’re interested in seeing a more extensive post on low-cost date nights, including websites and resources, let me know in the comments!

What is your favorite option for date nights with your significant other?